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Monthly Archives: February 2015

LSS 2015 Supervisory Board

The LSS 2015 Supervisory Board is composed by people coming from Belgium, Greece, Poland, Russia and former members of the following NGOs: AEGEE, EMSA, BEST, IAAS. Olga Rostkowska, Responsible of the Communication towards Trainers, Participants, Externals: This means: – interacting with people asking questions through e-mail. – engaging the world about Leadership through our communication means together with PR…

LSS 2015 Organising Committee

BISTRI UM – Zavod za podjetnost mladih Maribor (SMART MINDS – ASSOCIATION FOR PROACTIVE/ENTREPRENEURIAL YOUTH MARIBOR) in its core focuses on empowering young people with proactive and entrepreneurial thinking in order to face the challenging job market of today. Association is the successor entity of the sole entrepreneur status of the founder, e.i. the upgrade…